The task was to make and plan the phone call sequence.
we got given storyboards to draw on and write the script on them to know what we are doing and we are saying.we also got given shot lists and we had to do them in a particular order .i.e. instead of filming them from 1,2,3... we were told/shown to film the sequence 1,2,3,12,4,8,5...
The filming was not done in the right order,but when it is put on final cut the we can make sure that we do put it in the right order. The film was not shot in narrative sequence because, it is easier to film one charactor doing there part of the phone call and then filming the other charactor doing his/her part of the phone call and then in final cut putting them in the right order so it seems that there are two different cameras on two different people but are having the conversation.
I helped film and direct so to give different opinions and advise to how this/that particular shot.
The clapperboards helped name the shots so it was easier and quicker to put them in the right order in final cut for the editing.
Cutting on movement means, that when a charactor is ,for example, turning a door handle you will cut on the door when it is open just a little bite/or when a charactor walks up a hall and to a door you will cut on the moment when that charactor puts his/her hand on the door handle, that is when you take another shot when you are in the room, you take the shot of the charactor then coming into the room, and on editing to make it look like that it is the same action but it looks like that it has not been interrupted.
I have learnt that with the editing process, is that it makeis it so much easier to have clapperboards to help tell you what shot this is so you van put it in order and also nameing the by there shot names because in the editing part you take out the clapperboards and just have the film,so it also helps have the name there as well.