Thursday, 31 March 2011

Movie Storm Session 11 and 12

Last session we filed out sheets that are a plan for what we have to do for the rest of the week, and then today we are carrying on with the Movie Storm filming when look at it through the directors point of view and then stat filming the sequence adding the in between shots and camera shot types.
character sequence.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Movie Storm Session 9 and 10

In this session we are transferring the characters from one laptop to the other which has the set design on. With the characters we are placing them on the set and making them move when we want and where we want them to be and give them dialog that we have to create ourselves by recording our voices for the characters.

Movie Storm Session 7 and 8

In this session we finished our shot lists. We have also come up with two altemate endings for our film so we can change the ending if we have changed our minds on the ending. We have taken a 'Photo Booth' images of the shot lists in full detail.
Altemate endings.

Movie Storm session 6

In this session we were given a sheet for the key shots that we would be using in the film.
It would be the main shots that we would be using and also the in between shoots of the main shots that we would be using.

With the shot types there would be drawings of what would be happening in the scene, so with one person drawing them and another going over it with black pen so that you can see it better and also put a little detail on it, While that person would be going over it in pen the other person would be drawing the next shot in the scene. We would be doing this again with any filming project, so you could understand what you would be doing in the scene.

Movie Storm Session 4 and 5

This session is about making a 'Proposal form' which is stating what our film is going to be called. Then adding a treatment which summaries:
The key events, Tells the story line, Who, What, When, Where, Has been written in the present tense and Should be roughly 3 paragraphs.

The target audience, would be the legal age to go see the film.
What equipment you will need: Headphones, Microphone, Splitter cable and a Laptop/computer.
Soft ware on your laptop that you need to use: Final cut, Movie storm, Photoshop and Garageband.

Movie Storm session 2 and 3

Roles and planning production, was the subjects of todays lessons. However we did create a planning sheet for each section i.e the character sheet had all the information about the characters and their motives. In the setting sheet there was images of the locations and what was going to happen there. There was also a screen play sheet with the script that the Director composed.

Movie Storm session 1

Firstly we formed into our groups, ours comprised of: Ed, Tom and I. We filled out a sheet about what each person had to do for the group i.e Ed is the editor and set designer, Tom creates the characters and title sequence and I was the script writer, and the director and end sequence designer. Also write down what we needed to do next lesson.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

MovieStorm Write up

We had two men (Amos and Alex) come in, who ran the demonstration, to show us how to use MovieStorm, which is basically a program on the computer, which you can make a house/or just one room and then create your character and control what they do and then make a movie out of it.

We were shown in steps how to use the program. We were shown that to make a MoveStorm project we had to click on 'new move' and it would give us a white background and lines on the floor making squares to show where we can place the wall/ or we could use a template, which was a set that was already created and we could change it and change the characters. There were tools that we could use to create the wall, paint it and do the ceiling and the floor. To add props we went into the prop library, and we could also change the direction or the colour of the lighting on the set, to create a different atmosphere or to create different shadings on the set.

Once we had the set all done, we then went into the 'dressing room' to create our characters. With our characters we could change the sex of the character and the shape of the head, eye colour, hair colour and the clothes that our character would be wearing.

Then, once we were done with creating our character, we would go back to the set that we created and place our character where we wanted him/her in the first shot.
This would be in the 'Directors view' so it would be before filming the scene.
Once we had placed our character, we would change the mood of the character, for example, happy/or sad. Have the character do gestures and make them walk, run or sit. We could also, make them interact with the props for example, selecting that the character would sit and play the piano or watch TV. Also, if we had two characters we could make them interact with each other, by making them fight, or flirt with each other, which also meant that we could make them talk to each other or on the phone, by creating the dialog by recording your own voice or something that we already had on our software.

Once we had finished making our character do something in the scene we can then film it happening, but while it is filming, we could purse and change the angle or the view of the camera and carry on filming.
When we changed the view of the camera we can use the shot types that we would normally use if we were filming a real life film.

Then, when we had finished filming our short or long scene, we then went to the cutting room, where we can edit and adjust our film, to make the shots snappier or just to make it a little more shorter, this also enables us to paste our shots in the order that we like.

Once we have finished making the film and editing it, we then clicked on 'Publisher view' which enables us to generate movies as a MP4, which we then choose the 'large' move setting, which will create the movie to have a resolution of 1280 x 720 'PX'